
Improve Quality Through Automation

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Traditional tissue processing is a manual process. At grossing tissues must not be too large, be carefully aligned and in the case of very small specimens, tissues must be well secured inside the cassette. During processing tissue is dehydrated, cleared and infiltrated. If the tissue is too thick, tissue may require re-processing. Other tissue may curl shrink or become tangled or break.

After processing the embedding technologist is responsible for proper orientation of the tissue. There are many risks associated with this manual procedure. First the cassette must be reopened, and tissue may be lost. Manual manipulation may introduce cross-contamination. Careful orientation is crucial at this stage. Incorrect alignment may require a new specimen or a loss of tissue at microtomy.

With the Tissue-Tek® Paraform® Sectionable Cassettes and the Tissue-Tek AutoTEC® a120 Automated Embedding System, tissues are placed in their correct orientation during grossing through the unique features of the six Paraform Cassettes. These features help to conform to a tissue size and thickness that improves reagent penetration during processing. Once the Paraform® Sectionable Cassette lid is closed it is never opened again. Orientation is preserved from grossing to microtomy eliminating the risk of tissue loss and cross-contamination.

Click here to learn how the Tissue-Tek® Paraform® Sectionable Cassettes and the Tissue-Tek AutoTEC® a120 Automated Embedding System can improve quality in your laboratory

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